Wednesday, October 17, 2007

so many new things!

She has learned so much over the past few days. It seems like this weekend was a big turning point for her. She finally got her toes in her mouth...she has been working on that for quite some time. She also discovered her voice and started screaming. She also started blowing raspberries this weekend, which she did to a lady at Mistletoe Marketplace who told her she was beautiful. What a little lady!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fun with Gin & Paw Paw

We have been spending alot of time with my parents lately. They absolutely adore her! Mom even came to Jackson to stay with her for 2 days for her first ear infection. We are so thankful that they live close enough to do things like that.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

We didn't go trick or treating this year,but had plenty of them come to our house. It was fun and everyone thought she was very cute. She wasn't really up to being a ladybug at first, but she adjusted.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Beach Babe

We went to Florida in July with Gin, Paw Paw and Uncle Charles. Lucy Neal got to experience her first vacation. She did really well, and even went to the beach for a little while.

Uncle Charles

Charles loves his new niece. We knew he would be excited to be an uncle, but never imagined he would be so in love with her! He has given up weekends with friends, and sometimes golf to spend time with her. It is too sweet!

Ok, I'm tired of my bouncy seat.

Please feel sorry for me & get me out!

I need my beauty sleep!

Belle is worn out after getting up all night with the baby!

Big Sister

Belle loves her new little sister. At first we weren't sure how she would react, but she has been great. Ever since we brought her home, Belle has been very attentive and helpful. She used to come and get us when Lucy Neal was crying. Very surprising considering Belle's demeanor (spoiled, fickle, and set in her ways). She has been an only child for 3 years.

One of the few pictures you will see of me with the bay bay. It's funny how I'm her mother, yet have the fewest pictures with her!

Uncle Brandon

Lucy Neal met her Uncle Brandon for the first time this summer. It was love at first sight! He thought she was beautiful and wanted to hold her immediately. She enjoyed the view from up high (Uncle Brandon is very tall)!

Nap Time with Daddy

This picture reminds me of that scene in Forrest Gump when he and little Forrest are sitting on the floor watching tv. I love it! I can't believe they were in the exact same position...what a perfect picture.

1st time in the Bumbo

We are giving the Bumbo seat a test drive before we take it home. Thanks for letting us use it cousin Wynn!

Night Night Time

This is how she likes to sleep now. When we put her down, she rolls onto her side and puts her thumb in her mouth and her other hand over her eyes. So cute!

Lucy Neal with Aunt Flo

Bath Time

Bath time is so much fun! She loves to kick and splash in the water. Our favorite is taking a bath together so I can play with her, hence no pictures of bath time!

All Cried Out

She finally wore herself out after crying all afternoon. We think she had a stomach bug, one of the disadvantages of day care! She went through 2 outfits at day care and then the third as soon as we got out to the parking lot-what a mess! I felt so bad for her.

This bouncy seat looks good!

On Monday, Wynn Brown came over to play. We had so much fun with him, but quickly realized he doesn't like to be held for long!

Lucy Neal and Daddy

We both had a few days off this week and got to spend them with her. It was so much fun!
This morning I turned around and Lucy Neal was sitting like this, patiently awaiting her breakfast. She looks so big in this picture! I feel like she will be sitting up soon by herself.