earlier this week i rented the barbie mermaid movie for lucy neal because she has been wanting to see it forever. i'm thinking it may have been a little too old for her, considering after it was over she was walking around putting her hand on her hip and saying, "own it girl." really??? i just cannot stand how grown she is lately. i almost cried when we got a real deal school supply list in the mail for 3 year old preschool. and i don't cry. ever. and i did say almost. meanwhile, carlisle has just started eating baby food this week and she is a huge fan. hopefully this will get her sleeping through the night. who knows. this kid does whatever the heck she wants and is very unpredictable. some nights she sleeps, some she doesn't. some days she takes 30 min. naps all day, some days a 4 hour nap. random. but she's precious and we love her and she is very happy these days, which is a nice change from the first 3 months of her life. that was rough.
getting a picture of these two is always an adventure...